A conscious and compassionate group dedicated to learning transformative communication tools.
This is a 3-month program to work on your specific communication struggles, receive my direct coaching, and engage in transformation within the powerful container of a conscious group.
The coaching program is only available to 10 individuals who are open, willing, and committed to make the specific changes necessary to have the kind of life and relationships they most desire.
Apply Now!

Not knowing what to say -or how to say what's in your heart- DRAINS YOUR LIFE FORCE!
It's exhausting to constantly:
- second guess yourself
- hide parts of who you are because your family or people at work won't get it
- replay conversations in your head during meditation, shavasana, or when you are supposed to be resting
There is another way!
Find out how individualized guidance and steady support can help you tap into your capacity to transform your communication and transform your life.

Feeling like this is not what you signed up for with your partner HURTS DEEPLY!
It's painful to be in a relationship in which you:
- keep your communication on the surface because you're tired of arguing
- get reactive and have repetitive arguments that lead nowhere
- stay awake at night trying to figure out what happened between the two of you
You can transform your relationship together!
You can learn transformative communication tools to have and maintain a mature, harmonious, and conscious relationship in which love is present and felt every day.

You know how powerful it is to learn transformative practices in COMMUNITY!
It's so healing to experience you're not alone and direct your energy and attention to:
- learning conscious communication skills that benefit all beings
- having deep meaningful interactions with like-hearted others
- transforming your very human communication patterns
You love the wisdom and healing that emerges in conscious groups
Find out how you can participate in specific transformative communication skills and group coaching programs.

The Language Alchemy Podcast
The language you use every day shapes your world and is your bridge to deeply connecting with yourself and others.
Through this weekly podcast, you are invited to cultivate your awareness about your communication so that you can express your deepest truths with clarity, confidence, and compassion.
Subscribe to the podcast on any podcast platform you already use or click below:
Listen now!
Kathleen M.
I started working with Alejandra because I was struggling with my work, my personal relationships, and I needed help to get out of a depression.
Alejandra taught me how to deeply connect with my values and my heart so that I can show up authentically for myself and my relationships.
I've learned how to identify my feelings and work with that energy to understand my desires for connection, creativity, and freedom.
I can face my difficult emotions and find the light of awareness on the other side.
It's very empowering to live my truth!
I'm very grateful for Alejandra’s guidance and support.

Melissa & Zaldy
We needed support with our communication, resolving conflicts, and deepening our connection to each other.
On our initial call, she was able to set a clear road map on our goals in working together that felt realistic and tangible.
Alejandra creates a safe, judgment-free space to express yourself fully.
We learned about our personal values and how to communicate with each other honoring these values.
Now, when conflicts arise, we have the skills to understand each other and resolve issues together.
Thank you, Alejandra, for all your warmth and support through this journey.
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transformative communication tools?
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