70. 3 Communication Self-Reflection Practices

When we reflect on ourselves, we see some aspects of ourselves with greater clarity,” explains host Alejandra Siroka. We all have communication behaviors that prevent us from having the relationships we want. With this in mind, Alejandra shares self-reflection practices that will allow us to break these patterns and communicate more effectively overall.


With the holidays on the horizon, many of us may dread getting together with family and friends, which leaves room for challenging interactions. Before our upcoming get-togethers, Alejandra suggests looking within beforehand to evaluate our typical communication patterns with others. By reflecting upon what does and does not serve us, we can strengthen our interpersonal relationships and have positive social experiences.


With Alejandra’s communication self-reflection practices, we can find the kinds of relationships in our lives that we long for. Learn more about the best times of year for introspection, the benefits of meditation, and reflecting on our social intentions.


 "If you'll be gathering with family and friends, engaging in communication and self-reflection is very useful before you get together.” (2:48-2:57 | Alejandra)

 “When we reflect on ourselves, we see some aspects of ourselves with greater clarity. And ideally, with compassion and kindness, or at least with neutrality.” (3:02-3:14 | Alejandra)

 “If you spend most of your time serving, witnessing, and reflecting on how others communicate with you instead of devoting the time and space to reflect on your own communication, then you're going to have a hard time because you can't control how others communicate.” (5:35-5:56 | Alejandra)

 “Be your own witness and notice your intention, but please do this with compassion and kindness, or at least with neutrality.” (12:44-12:56 | Alejandra)

 “If you make communication self-reflection a regular practice, it will transform the relationships you experience with your friends, your family, and at work.” (15:09-15:20 | Alejandra



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Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow: open.spotify.com/artist/1HlMhcNfKIELxYil5mVqDI

Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm