28. Want less conflict in your relationships?

“Express yourself with clarity, confidence, and compassion.”


This is the tagline for Language Alchemy, and it’s also a recipe for communication success. When you not only commit it to memory, but put it into practice, you’ll find it easier to meaningfully connect with others.


If you’re wondering where to begin, I first recommend you focus on clarity.


Speaking clearly sounds deceptively simple. However, it requires a level of empathy for your listener and an ability to see your words from different angles. How might other people perceive what you said?


Once you’re aware of unclear language, then you must become aware of how to interrupt your unhelpful communication patterns.


Thankfully, there are guidelines to avoiding these pitfalls.


This is part 1 of a 3-part series on communicating with clarity, confidence, and compassion. These make the foundation of effective communication, and you’ll see that as you examine each element and put them into practice.


When you practice clarity in particular, you'll experience smoother, more peaceful interactions in your relationships.


Takeaways from this episode:

-If communication is unclear, it leaves room for misunderstanding – and misunderstandings are the shortcut to conflict.

-Being specific helps you communicate with clarity.

-When communicating, lead with your intention: Why do you want to say what you want to say?

- Unclear communication leads to inefficiency. It can lead to confusion and unnecessary back and forth communication.



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 Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:


Produced by The Podcast Space, LLC.