5 Steps to Redirect Your Reactivity

Proven strategies to to keep your connection with the human being on the other side who has a different view of the world you both live in.

I Need This!

Hereā€™s Whatā€™s Insideā€¦

  • The signs and symptoms that show up when you get reactive and argue, shy away from talking, or shut down
  • A Language AlchemyTMĀ  process to redirect the energy,Ā  have a mature conversation, and do your part to heal the divide
  • 5 steps you can put into practice with relatives, co-workers and others who don't share your view of reality
  • The key to connect to your capacity to create more connection and understanding, and healing

"I've used this process to communicate with a family member (my brother). There were only two possibilities in the past: silence or anger. When I put these communication steps to good use, I am able to a have a healthier dialogue."

Gabriela B.

  Do you avoid talking about certain topics with people you care about because of how divided we have become?

You don't need to keep evading relatives, unfriending  friends on social media or feeling hopeless. You can still have authentic relationships and talk about what matters with clarity, confidence and compassion. "Grab my free guide to finally learn what it takes to heal the divide and bring forth understanding and connection."


You learned to react the way you do. YouĀ canĀ unlearn it! I've witnessed this in myself, my transformative communication students and coaching clients.

When you redirect the energy of your reactivity, you increase your chances to treat others as human beings with needs, fears, hopes and dreams. And you increase your chances to be treated in kind.We have enough conflict in our lives. We don't need more! We do need more peace, understanding and connection. And you have the capacity to bring those forth with your communication.

That's why I've created this guide for you, to help you redirect your reactive habits towards connection, understanding and healing.Ā 

- Alejandra

Yes! I Want It!